Earn $5,000/mo hosting Tennis in your community.
Share your court with local players when your aren't using it.
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Hosting on Swimply is simple
Create your listing for free.
Set your price, upload a few photos, determine your rules and availability and we'll make your listing live and ready to go.
Need help listing?
Accept reservations when you want.
Guests will find your court and request to book it by the hour. You can chat with guests, read their reviews and ensure you are comfortable with every reservation before accepting.
Get paid quickly.
Once approved, Guests are charged upfront through Swimply's secure payment system. Stripe directly deposits your earnings after each booking, minus our service fee.
Worry-free up to $2,000,000 protection guarantee provided
We are thrilled to provide the peace of mind that our hosts will be taken care of. Our Swimply Protection Guarantee protects all bookings done via Swimply for up to $2 million for general liability claims and $10,000 of property protection per occurrence.
We've got your back
Built on trust
Swimply Guests add a profile photo, so you know who you're talking to. Hosts and Guests also review each other after every booking for quality assurance.

Learn more about Hosting
Visit our FAQ to learn how to become a Host. If you have any questions along the way, our amazing customer support team is here to help!
Visit Help Center
woman and man at computer with support specialist
Start hosting on Swimply
Turn your extra space into extra income so that you can pursue more of what you love.
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Have other cool spaces you would like to share? We'd love to see!
Earn thousands of dollars a month sharing the spaces you're passionate about (Indoor or outdoor) with your community.
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Frequently asked questions

How do I get paid?

Can I be home during the reservation?

How do I price my space?

Do I need to be home during reservations?

Do I need to provide a restroom?

What protections does Swimply offer?